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RE: SG2, Changes to initiating close assault rules

From: "Glover, Owen" <oglover@m...>
Date: Fri, 7 Aug 1998 09:53:03 +1000
Subject: RE: SG2, Changes to initiating close assault rules

-----Original Message-----
From: Jared E Noble []
Subject: Re: SG2, Changes to initiating close assault rules

>In addition, PA troops are much more likely to be veteran (in terms of
>experience, not just their chit value) and from what I have seen, as
>survive and get older (to a point) their sense of invulnerability
>skyrockets, especially when their boom-boom toys are so much better
>their opponents, and make such cool noises... ;>

Er, which 'grunts' have you seen? In all my years 'grunting' (Regular
not Reserve) neither I nor the people I worked with developed a sense of
invulnerability. Quite the contrary; we become LESS inclined to take
risks and feel our mortally quite a bit more than the "newbies".

Owen G

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