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RE: SG2, Changes to initiating close assault rules

From: Wayne <w.pollerd@s...>
Date: Thu, 06 Aug 1998 17:45:00 +1000 (EST)
Subject: RE: SG2, Changes to initiating close assault rules

At 03:41 PM 6/08/98 +1000, you wrote:
>Hi Wayne,
>Interesting suggestions, although honestly I think they are more
>appropriate for a Skirmish level game.

I thought Stargrunt was a skirmish level game.	Or do you mean skirmish
where each model is moved independently.

>your second option seems more fluid and less likely to clutter the

That's the one I prefered.  Ijust thought it might be harder to get
to agree to play with it. Outside of your normal opponents, who should
oppent to trying rule suggestions and house rules anyway.

>Mind you I'd be questioning why a lone 'suicidal' trooper is in a
>position that he is Close Assaulting anyone anyway? We try to keep a
>more reasonable game flow going. ie what we call our 'moral' approach.
>Put yourself in the troopies place and ask yourself if you would do the
>same thing in that situation. We try to avoid the 'because the rules
>don't say I can't then I will' situations. Gaming is after all meant to
>be fun. 


>On the other hand, I find PA so powerful that a lone PA trooper would
>reasonably be able to have at a bunch of softskins!!

When I said lone trooper I was really thinking of a PA trooper.  My
opponent likes to use PA troops but I prefer to use normal troopers and
find that I need to kill his PA squad to the last man before my squads
safe from a close assault.  With them normally being Vets or Elites they
lose very few confidence levels and with up to three activations a turn
likes to transfer actions to them) having only three suppression markers
them isn't enough to stop them preforming a close assault.

I suppose you could say I thought up the change as a result of always
assaulted by a numerically smaller squad, even if they are PA troopies.
Maybe I should suggest that my opponent supplies less drugs to his PA
troopies before the game so they won't be so agressive :)


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