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RE: A question of Suppression

From: Thomas Barclay <Thomas.Barclay@s...>
Date: Wed, 5 Aug 1998 20:41:52 -0500
Subject: RE: A question of Suppression

Hi Tom, not too confusing here.

Vehicle suppression only prevents Crew/Infantry mount/dismount and
firing of external mount weapons.

Owen G

Tom Replies:

I'm not taking this private because my mail to you bounced (couldn't 
find your domain apparently....the wonder (NOT) of DNS....). 
Question: Does suppression penalize vehicle firing in SG2? It 
definitely does in most old style WW2 games (smaller view perspective 
for targeting, disturbance of incoming (if ineffective) fire). 

Thomas Barclay
Software Specialist
Police Communications Systems
Software Kinetics Ltd.
66 Iber Road, Stittsville
Ontario, Canada, K2S 1E7
Reception: (613) 831-0888
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My Extension: 4009
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