RE: Fighter/ Bombers for FT...
From: Mike Wikan <MWikan@m...>
Date: Tue, 4 Aug 1998 11:24:11 -0700
Subject: RE: Fighter/ Bombers for FT...
Hahaha!!! No actually I came across this set that I posted about a year
or so ago when I worked for "that other company" in Florida. It was
about the same time I made my first "parasite fighter" post.
How about Submunition Salvo Missile loads?
i.e. when you roll for how many missiles in a Salvo are on target, if
the target is within 2" each missile spawns three Submunitions, 4" two
Submunition, and within 6" one submunition.
A point defense must roll a 5 or 6 to knock down missile before it
spawns. a class 1 battery must roll a 6.
Space is the same as an extended range load.
And yes, the local game Shop finally got the Fleet book!
Incredible job, Jon.
Michael Wikan, Game Designer
Accolade, Inc.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stuart Ford []
> Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 1998 10:43 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Fighter/ Bombers for FT...
> >This will give a slight edge to fighter squads attacking shielded
> >targets.
> Hey Mike, did you hack into my server and read my Macross/Robotech
> pre-posted rules? =)
> Stuart