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Re: Canadian Convention (GZG East Coast Con)

From: Jon Davis <davis@a...>
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 19:55:35 -0400
Subject: Re: Canadian Convention (GZG East Coast Con)

> >> Due to some unforseen problems, the idea of a GZG Canadian
> >> in Toronto has been put off for a year.  I thought somebody had
> >> announced something previously on the list, but I guess not.
> >>
> >> My apologies to everybody who was hoping for a Canadian event.
> >> We're going to try again for next year, and hopefully, things will
> >> run a little smoother.
> >>
> >> Thanks for your patience.
> >>
> >> Jerry

I was looking forward to getting together with the Canadians this fall
the Toronto area.  We'll have to wait until February 1999.

The GZG East Coast Convention planning is underway.  Mark and I have
reserved a block of rooms and a larger! Conference room at the Hotel
Brunswick in Lancaster, PA for the weekend of February 26, 27, and 28th.

We will be in the Conference room #1 right across from the FEDC entrance
to the Feb. '98 con.  Plenty of space for gaming tables and a few

Hotel room rates are tentatively set at $50 and the conference room is
priced at a very reasonable rate.

Jon Davis

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