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Re: Fleet Book Availability?

From: "Tom Sullivan" <starkfist@h...>
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 06:09:18 PDT
Subject: Re: Fleet Book Availability?

>At 06:31 AM 7/30/98 -0700, you wrote:
>>     Due to the merger of two of the biggest American distributors, 
>>Chessex and the Armory, things are really and truly a mess right 
>>now.	Standing orders are scrambled to hell and back, and the chaos 
>>shows no signs of ending anytime soon.  Please give the local stores 
>>a chance, though--this is hitting them MUCH harder than it is the 
>>customers.  This has been the kind of event that puts the future of 
>>a lot of stores in doubt.
>Funny, the local stores are selling plenty of GW stuff.  And I did 
>pick up a copy of Starfire 3rd Ed from this last one.	But I have >been

giving the stores their chance...  I have been bugging them >since 
middle of May for it.

But it is worth noting that they are not getting GW from the 
distributors--they can't.  They can only get it direct from GW, who is 
unaffected by the distributor shake-up.  All I am saying is that you 
should try to be patient with the stores while things get settled: if 
you don't there may not be a store in your area six months from now.

Tom Sullivan
"Caffine is really the only food group that matters."

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