DS2 Elegance
From: "Al.Bri" <Al.Bri@x...>
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 13:47:03 +1200
Subject: DS2 Elegance
laserlight? wrote:
>I find FT "elegant" but DS2 is definitely not.
>Drawing chits--or much worse, drawing a different selection of chits
>different weapons and different targets--just isn't elegant. Weapons
>different effects on infantry vs armor, granted, but this is not the
way to
>represent it. A cheat sheet and a vehicle list would improve things,
>not (in my opinion) enough. Drawing chits looks like a simple way to
>the probabilities but in fact you need to a) keep track of the things;
>have a container; c) remember (or look up) what combinations are valid.
Drawing chits can be a pain, try my dice chart here:
This chart is used for those times when you've mislaid your damage chits
you can't find a clean cup anywhere! Just roll a D20 and a D12 and cross
reference to find the chit you would have drawn.
It's not as good as rolling one set of damage dice though, but it
help as I've found. Ideally, it would be nice to roll one set of dice to
hit, and second set of dice to determine damage done to the target.
Andrew Martin
Shared email: Al.Bri@xtra.co.nz
Web Site: http://members.xoom.com/AndrewMartin
Dirtside II Web Site: http://members.xoom.com/AndrewMartin/DSII
Dirtside II FAQ Web Site: http://members.xoom.com/AndrewMartin/DSII/FAQ