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[OT] Re: What about the UN? - Longish

From: db-ft@w... (David Brewer)
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 01:53:34 GMT
Subject: [OT] Re: What about the UN? - Longish

Owen Glover writes:
> From: John Leary []
> >Left: Communists, Nazis, Socialist and Liberals
> >Right:Anarchists
> Hmm, I thought that Nazis and Fascists were pretty extreme Right?

Just to step into this a bit late, The distinctions between "left
wing" and "right wing" derive from some old French parliament.

The chamber was one of those wishy-washy semi-circular affairs
(not like the Houses of Parliament where gentlemen line up as
Government and Opposition in order to shout "bollocks" at each
other... much better). To the left of the chamber sat the
reformers, progressives and liberals, mostly representing the
middle classes, while to the right sat the conservatives and
reactionaries representing the aristocracy. Unfortunately no one
was representing the lower classes who duly revolted and brought
out the guilotines.

It's a funny way of classifying politics, but Nazis and Fascists
absolutely belong on the right wing, anarchists to the left.

David Brewer

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