Re: 15mm Sci-Fi survey
From: Gary Kett <gkett@a...>
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 20:20:48 -0400
Subject: Re: 15mm Sci-Fi survey
At 04:21 PM 21/08/98 +1000, Alan E & Carmel J Brain wrote:
>Kevin Shope wrote:
>> I am considering producing a line of 15mm sci-fi minis...
>> If you are interested or have ideas on what you would like to see in
such a
>> line please email me.
I greatly enjoy 15mm, and think it is the prefect size for almost all
wargaming. Probably the best thing I would like to see is figures
with common sense. For science fiction figures, this seems very rare. I
say that many of the 25mm Star Grunt figures I have seen are actually
done, if slightly on the thin side. I have a great distain for radical
figures which have giant weapons that a human could never properly
let alone fire. Powered armour aside. Perhaps some thought on webbing,
load bearing vests, as ammo and other essentials must be carried
Again I 've seen figures without such and therefore suitable, at most,
Star Port security rather than the Front Line. As for what I would like
see; just a series of well sculptured combat figures, in a number of
poses. Give us something we can be proud to put on the table. (if GHQ
produce such detailed 285th scale armour, it should not be difficult to
achieve a similiar level of detail on a 15mm figure. Maybe I am