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RE: New Fighter Types

From: Noah Doyle <nvdoyle@m...>
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 18:37:41 -0500
Subject: RE: New Fighter Types

There are several cheap snap-fit helicopter models that could supply
rotors, with a little kitbashing....


-----Original Message-----
From:	Ground Zero Games []
Sent:	Tuesday, July 28, 1998 04:48 PM
Subject:	Re: New Fighter Types

>On another front, are all support/transport craft in the future
>VTOLS? I notice you have no rotary winged kits. I'm thinking the
>chopper would be cheap, cost-effective, and still very good for what
>it always did. And plus they always sound/look good in an LZ.

Most of the "sleeker" VTOL craft in the 6mm Future Wars range (reissued
the UK under DF codes) are actually designed to be used as conventional
Helicopter  models if you wish - we don't supply cast rotors, but they
good with a clear plastic disc to simulate a spinning rotor. If you mean
25mm stuff, then no, we don't do any rotary-wing vehicles at present
thin rotor blades are a problem in metal OR resin) - but there is a
possibility when we get round to some new stuff!

Jon (GZG)

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