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Re: Home Page

From: John Leary <realjtl@s...>
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 15:36:51 -0700
Subject: Re: Home Page

John Atkinson wrote:
> BTW, a somewhat related question: I recalled some discussion of the
> concept of a "True" Battlecruiser as meaning a battleship without
> and a lot faster.

XXX   Not quite, perhaps a more common description would be:
      A ship with reduced main (battleship) weapons and (Cruiser) armor
      on a hull capable of High (Cruiser) speed.   JTL	 XXX
  So I built one.  Unfortunately, I still wanted
> something smaller than a battleship and bigger than a heavy cruiser. 
> settled on the designation "Light Battleship", which I abbreviated BL
> for Battleship, Light.  Does anyone know a more historically-based
> I could use and an abbreviation thereof?  I recall that the Germans
> built small battleships which were dubbed "Pocket Battleships" but I
> don't recall if that's an official designation.
> John

     I believe the actual term for these ships was: Armored Cruiser.

     Unfortunitly the mass construction system of FTII does not
lend itself to the historical construction of ships.   The new
Fleet Battles may be somewhat better in this reguard, since hull
strength and armor are seperate items to be purchased.	 

Bye for now,
John L.

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