Re: FT Fiction Part Two of two (Long)
From: Los <los@c...>
Date: Sun, 19 Jul 1998 19:32:54 -0400
Subject: Re: FT Fiction Part Two of two (Long)
That may be so, but if you recall the Kohl was testing a new upgraded
version of the cloaking Mod prodcued by Spiegel industries.
Los wrote:
> Hi all; here with another of my inherently wrong opinions - feel free
to bash seven bells of digested matter out of everything i am about to
write :-) :
> (oh, and i'm a bit behind with mail-reading, so if this has already
been said, please overlook it!)
> ---- Los wrote:
> > He knew their general location and may them beam only as wide as
> > necesary to cover that area.
> > > Question, How could the commander send a tight beam to the
> > > Kohl if he did not know where it was?
> now wait a minute - the Kohl is cloaked, right? the rules have words
to the effect of "nothing gets in, nothing gets out", followed by the
joke about "some gamers i know". surely this precludes all communication
with a cloaked ship? if such communication were possible, then a cloaked
ship would not suffer any information defecit while cloaked, as other
ships could simply relay sensor data (via omnidirectional beams) to it
(we would get swarms of titchy sensor-drones - fighters would do it, we
only need tactical sensors here - and fleets of huge, cloaked
battleships which, having found a target - god knows how - decloak,
shoot, and rapidly recloak; you never know, it could be fun).
> mind you, this is based on the MT definition - 'ive not seen the FB.
> Tom