Re: ATTN Jon T: Free CalTex Government and Society?
From: "Jared E Noble" <JNOBLE2@m...>
Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1998 13:51:13 -0900
Subject: Re: ATTN Jon T: Free CalTex Government and Society?
I figure that there would a great deal of political and social
"in-fighting" between the the extremely leftist Californians and the
extremely reactionary Texans.
I think it's a hard think to reconcile Texas and California, but that
certainly make for interesting internal situations...please keep in mind
that the items below are extreme examples based on sterotypical
- but also remember that stereotypes usually come from somewhere!
Texas California
conservative liberal
resource developing enviro-yuppies
meat-eating wild-man militant vegetarians
Small gov/big business Big gov/big business
It seems the paces they work well together are
agriculture/farming - cattle in texas / fruit in california
(OK maybe that isn't a good match)
Big business - nat. resources (oil...) in texas /
high-technology in california
Texans don't want big, distant government involved in their lives.
Californians don't want gov involved in their "higher intellectual/moral
decisions" but there is a demand for near socialist levels of government
assistance and personal protection laws that can cripple industry that
be involved in any form of business that may cause someone to get hurt.
Texans solve their problems with a fist-fight in the local bar, or in
extreme cases with a gun. Californians solve theirs with a lawsuit
for the street gang members - they go back to guns - lots of 'em)
Texans enjoy the outdoors by riding horses, hunting, and looking for
Californians enjoy the outdoors by surfing, worshipping the sun, and
movies and television shows. Texans watch those movies and shows - "New
Dallas" is the longest running soap opera in the FCT - make by
about texans getting rich doing everything the californians don't like,
sprinkled with high-brow insults making fun of the texans in a way that
only high-brow californians "get". ;)
Californians think texans are brutish, dim-witted, uncultured
planet-rapers. Texans think californians are wierd, neurotic, elitist,
nature-loving enviro-freaks. Both are half-right. ;> Lots of
at each other.
I would imagine business is what ties the groups together, with
industries dominated by Tex/Cal corporations. - of course most people
fairly moderate, but the fringe elements keep debate lively. (As I
many replies to this could get 'lively')