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RE: An idea for spotters for snipers

From: Noah Doyle <nvdoyle@m...>
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 23:37:52 -0500
Subject: RE: An idea for spotters for snipers

	Well, the distribution of sniper weapons is probably more a
measure of 
doctrine, but I think that really well-equipped militaries (NSL, FSE, 
Dutch, Israeli) would possibly have 2 weapons.	The more conventional 
troops would probably have the No1 with a sniper weapon, and No2 with a 
standard High-Tech Assault weapon with GL.  The things work well, and 
humping SAWs around will be a pain.  The standard AR/GL can cover about 
anything the Sniper Weapon cannot.  And they're only a 2man unit -
not supposed to get into firefights.
	As far as the ESU is concerned (that's who I play, mostly), they
may not 
have much going for them in the way of tech, but I usually set them up
greater numbers than their opponents (1.2 or 1.3 to 1).  I'm not sure
the cammo cape - I see the cammo as a 'feel-good' kind of function - it 
makes the troops feel better, whether or not it works.	It's also a 
multipurpose item, having heating and bedding functions.  It keeps the
off.  You can unfold it into a sleeping bag, or a small 1-person
 They can be made into stretchers, but not body bags - the other troops 
would snatch 'em.  But, I could see than having some game effect - maybe
little harder to spot if in cover, or at night - assming you're spoofing

thermal detectors.  But they look pretty dashing and cool, and that's 
important for morale.
	Jon & Co.: I've got some requests for the ESU 25mm line:  How
closed-helmet troops, troopers with a grenade launcher (new support 
weapon), amybe some ESU Engineers/Pioneers (flamers, satchel charges,
ESU 6mm troops - *please!*  I must have my proletariat hordes
on the DS2 field in good Socialist Realism!
	Another topic for thought:  How do we represent troops who do
not all have 
helmet radios & all the other neat gadgets?  A few ideas come to mind: 
smaller cohesion distance (1" or 1/2"! between soldiers, maybe 4" or 5" 
diameter group); more difficult commo tasks, or commo takes 2
dedicated radio troopers required, more chance of fratricide ('friendly'

fire - don't know how this would be modeled...).  I was just thinking of

citizen/colonial militias, criminal elements, low-tech cops, etc.  There

should be some difference.  Any ideas, everybody?


-----Original Message-----
From:	Glover, Owen []
Sent:	Tuesday, July 14, 1998 08:51 PM
To:	''
Subject:	RE: An idea for spotters for snipers

-----Original Message-----
From: Gary Kett []
Subject: RE: An idea for spotters for snipers

> I concur with both Los and Tom's logic on this. The sniper team should
>attempting to avoid all contact outside of their respective target. The
>spotter (and for that matter, the sniper) should only have to engage an
>unexpected enemy at extremely close range, and only after detection.
>Otherwise they should use their concealment skills to avoid such an
>encounter. As already pointed out, the spotter is normally more
>than the sniper. Radio, optics, wire cutters even may weight him/her
down. A
>carbine, such as the Canadian C-8, would be effective. I also agree

Hi all, this is what I like, more discussion.

OK, I'm trying to give the observations on Sniper teams relevance to
Stargrunt. As I mentioned before, the No2 Sniper may today carry an M203
or some such to provide a little heavier firepower for teh team. In 2180
the average assault rifle often has a GL attached. I'm suggesting that
therefore the No2 will need something a little 'oompier'. Regarding the
bulk of a radio; well 'everyone' has a tac/sat linked radio.

If we are going to say that the No2 is carrying a scoped rifle then I'd
probably be arming the No1 with a Conventional or Gauss, and give the
No2 a Laser rifle. Different FP and Impact but useful in different
circumstances. Quineg?

Anyone else thought about the Camoflage Cape that the ESU naval infantry
are supposed to be equipped with? (The poor old ESU don't seem to have
much going for them as is.) This seems to be not unlike the Cameleon
Fatigues that the Confed Marines in STARFIST novels might wear?

Owen G

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