Checking on availabilty of...
From: Los <los@c...>
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 18:07:18 -0400
Subject: Checking on availabilty of...
Howdy, I'm going to phone in another order but I wanted to check on some
this first...
1. Have you receieved in stock all the latest Dirstide Infantry packs?
(NAC,NSL etc)
2. DO you have all the latest Stargrunt stuff? (like the Kra'Vak?)
3. I'd like to order some of the GF range stuff, (The stuff that looks
B5 fighters, I find them superior to AOG stuff)
4. There's a new range of creatures out called simple Bugs? can you gve
an approximate description? Are we talking starship trooper arachnids
Tahnks in advance...