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RE: Gravity, Tech & others (was Re: Orbits, etc)

From: Noah Doyle <nvdoyle@m...>
Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1998 13:47:17 -0500
Subject: RE: Gravity, Tech & others (was Re: Orbits, etc)

Ah, the Langston Field.  Well, it would have a maximum amount of damage 
(energy) total before it overloads and damages the ship, and a maximum 
amount of damage (energy) it can radiate away per turn.  Accelerations
the Second Empire of Man were low - a fast courier can boost at 3 gs,
hydrogen fuel is a consideration.  Warships are big, and mainly 
laser-equipped.  Some BIG lasers, as I remember.  Battleships (the
would probably have Class-4s.  You would be able to tell the state of a 
Langston field by it's color - as the amount of energy it is holding 
raises, it cycles thru the spectrum, starting at black, to red, orange, 
yellow, etc., up to violet, and then it fails spectacularly.  You'd
have to guess how much damage was done by a shot, but any change in
color would give you an idea of total capacity.  It gets more complex
you start talking about fields touching, and other kinetic interactions.


-----Original Message-----
From:	Brad Holden []
Sent:	Saturday, July 11, 1998 12:13 PM
Subject:	Re: Gravity, Tech & others (was Re: Orbits, etc)

<lots of stuff snipped>

   On the gripping hand, it means you can have a scenario where
   the only alder^H^H^H^H^Hjump point in a system is inside the
   outer shell of a red supergiant...

   Be seeing you,
   Sam. 		----------------------- Roleplaying and

The above rather, shall I say, off hand comment got me thinking.  I
recently reread a Mote in God's Eye and was wondering if anyone had
put together any rules for FT for the Niven/Pournelle Empire universe.
It seems like it would be straight forward, the important thing would be
to write rules for the black globe generators or whatever those shields
are called.  The cool thing ( or is it hot thing?) is that everyone at
table knows how much more damage you can take.

Any thoughts on this here matter?

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