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Re: SAW versus HMGs in StarGrunt and DirtSide

From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 21:54:43 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: SAW versus HMGs in StarGrunt and DirtSide

You wrote: 

>	The Squad Assault Weapon is the "Heavy Rifles" listed in
for >Powered Armor forces.  If a fire team has a SAW in it then it can 
fire up >to 8 inches and draws three chits.  A SAW in SG costs 8 
points.  The free >weapon that vehicles get are the SAW and take up no 

Flaw is that every team, or at least squad, since WWII has had a 
SAW/LMG in it.	And that's what does the killing, rather than the 
rifles of the troops.  So there'd be no difference between power armor 
and regular infantry in DS.

>	Meanwhile, I believe that RFACs and GFACs should draw three
against >infantry as well in a DirtSide game.  Of course a RFAC/GFAC-1 

I truly agree!


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