Re: NAC units, was Odd FT Idea
From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 08:35:12 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: NAC units, was Odd FT Idea
You wrote:
>Speaking as an Englishman, I can't really see they Gurkhas becomming
part >of the ESU. Although the British Army has made drastic cuts in
Gurkha >units the Gurkhas are still an important unit with a rich
Why not? Since getting cut, there are more Gurkhas in the Indian Army
than the British.
>US forces actually merge. th etactical doctrines for the Royal
Marines and >Paras are so completely at odds with those for the
American forces (hey, it >would mean that the US troops have to start
tabbing with bergens [walking >places with a big backpack] instead of
Do note that the Royal Marines and Paras are LIGHT infantry. Our LIGHT
infantry walks just as far, just as fast, with just as large a load.
Granted we like to involve helicopters--but the Brits do too, it's just
that during Corporate all the helicopters were on a ship that sank.
Your Mechanized types integrated pretty well ours during Desert Storm.
And as far as a lot of support types, it's pretty much interchangable.
All those years of STANAGs.
John M. Atkinson