Re: Vulnerability of tanks, aircraft to lower TL attacks
From: Los <los@c...>
Date: Thu, 02 Jul 1998 14:54:44 -0700
Subject: Re: Vulnerability of tanks, aircraft to lower TL attacks
RE: Air defense by infantry units.
Very low flying AC (I'm talking about within small arms range) still run
a risk (though not a huge one if you are a fast mover, a bigger one if
your a helo,/grav vehicle) of getting hit. (You only have to scare the
pilot) What I was thinking about in the future was this...
The company/plt leaders MK IV helmet's command electronics has a
datalink option. He designates a atrget point which all troops under
their command see in his HUD. They aim towards it and fire at the spot
where the aircraft is going to fly through. (BTW in real world small
arms air defense this is how it's done. the company piucks a spot 100m
or more ahead of the enemy a/c and fills it full of lead, then lets the
enemy ac fly through it.)
Now the MK IVa helmet has target prediction code built in for greeater
accuracy. The troopies just marry up the dot in their HUDs with the
laser targetting reticle and let fly.