Re: New ships (details)
From: jfoster@k... (Jim 'Jiji' Foster)
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 17:45:31 -0500
Subject: Re: New ships (details)
At 21:19 6/25/98, Ground Zero Games wrote:
>>Possible B5 Spoiler
>>Some while ago a B5 episode (name escapes me) featured a new race .
>>helmets (reminded me of ants ! dont know why !!) attacking the B5
>>,the ships this race had reminded me of those painted by Rodney
>>in 'search of forever'. IMHO these ships are fantastic and VERY
>>unfortunatly I fogot to set the video so can't see the ships again!
>>Can someone confirm their shape ? and then get Jon T to make them. I
>>they should represent PAU ships.
>Don't recall this one - anyone shed some light on the episode
>The description of the aliens sounds like the Gaim, but I thought they
I don't remember the alien name. The episode was one of the early season
eps, the title was "A View From The Gallery". I hardly noticed the
I was too busy laughing my head off at the two maintenance men that were
the stars that week.
I don't recall what the ships looked like, but the pointy-headed troops
looked a lot like GW Eldar as I recall.... except that they carried
realistically sized weapons, and were the same scale as the rest of the
Bab5 cast. ;)
Jim 'Jiji' Foster / / Jiji @ AnimeMUCK / TIP #28 /
PPIG #42
"The wisest and best of men, nay, the wisest and best of their actions,
be rendered ridiculous by a person whose first object in life is a joke.
- Jane Austen, _Pride & Predjudice_