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Re: New ships (details)

From: Niall Gilsenan <ngilsena@i...>
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 22:21:05 +0100
Subject: Re: New ships (details)

At 14:43 25/06/98 -0600, you wrote:
>On Thu, 25 Jun 1998 21:19:27 +0100, Ground Zero Games writes:
>>>Possible B5 Spoiler
>>>Some while ago a B5 episode (name escapes me) featured a new race .
>>>helmets (reminded me of ants ! dont know why !!) attacking the B5 
>>>,the ships this race had reminded me of those painted by Rodney
>>>in 'search of forever'. IMHO these ships are fantastic and VERY
>>>unfortunatly I fogot to set the video so can't see the ships again!
>>>Can someone confirm their shape ? and then get Jon T to make them. I
>>>they should represent PAU ships.
>>>Jon (top cat)
>>>Sprayforming Developments Ltd.	 [production tools]
>>>					      made in
>>>					 [prototype  times]
>>>  'The future is now'
>>Don't recall this one - anyone shed some light on the episode
>>The description of the aliens sounds like the Gaim, but I thought they
>>Jon (GZG)
>A View from teh Gallery.  Episode number 505.	I can't believe I know
>this off the top of my head.
>-=- Matthew L. Seidl		email:		

I can...Bit of a B5 fanatic.  

Its an awful pity they didn't just focus on the battle.  That was an
lot of fx to waste on a throwaway episode.  I didn't think it worked.  I
managed to see the B5 prequel film in Belfast a couple of months ago.
There were a hell of a lot more Earth force ships involved than I
 Does anyone have an idea of how we might simulate this little battle? 
could really lend itself to a multiplayer PBEM game.  Different
in different sectors.  Jon (T) did you ever come up with any scenarios
this using EFSB rules?
Niall Gilsenan,
DIT Cathal Brugha St,
Dublin 1,

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