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RE: Robotech minis

From: Tim Jones <Tim.Jones@S...>
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 15:00:17 +0100
Subject: RE: Robotech minis

On Thursday, June 25, 1998 2:15 PM, McClure, Kent
>	Another thing that you could do for the Veritechs is to find a
> of modern carrier aircraft in 1/350th or 1/700 scale and use all the
> for the Veritechs in fighter mode.

Skytrex (UK) do 1:3000 fighters for modern naval wargames
these are cheap ( 20p/30c ) and could perhaps be used as small

These are a small plinth with a raised aircraft or copter
(would also work as FT fighter variants) about 5mm x 3mm

   plan     _|\---\_
 +-----+    |_______| side
 |  ^  |
 | / \ |
 |  ^  |

Don't have an address handy but if anyone has a UK WG Mag
to mail order. They cover most modern fighters
and copters.

Or make your own on plasticard with putty.

tim jones

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