Re: How to kill a <grav> tank :)
From: Los <los@c...>
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 08:38:43 -0400
Subject: Re: How to kill a <grav> tank :)
A not well known story. During the Gulf War a single Iraqi with an RPG
stood up and lofted an RPG round at an M1 Abrahms at over 500 meters. It
hit just right, into the turret ring and jamed the turret off it's ring
enough to make it inoperable. Learned this back in March when I was up
at Fort Knox tank simulation center (that's a place you've gotta see to
believe). One of the fellows that works there was company commander at
the time.
Los wrote:
> I'm not sure this is true; against modern (Chobham) tank armour as
used by NATO tanks, HEAT rounds of the types used in satchel charges and
man-portable weapons are pretty much useless - you need such a large
calibre it is impractical to carry. This is why tanks now depend so much
on AP(FS)DS rounds. Unless someone has figured out a way to put niftier
warheads in these rockets, a tank is still very hard for a grunt to
kill. Mind you, if infantry are still fielded against tanks (by proper
armies) in the deep future, they must be able to kill the somehow ...
("Quick, corporal - pass the Futtock Rocket!").
> Tom Anderson, Professional Amateur