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Re: Fleet Book in US?

From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Tue, 23 Jun 1998 21:30:33 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: Fleet Book in US?

You wrote: 

>One of my local neighborhood game shop owners called me Monday while I 
>was at the other shop running a Dirtside demo.  He left a message 
>telling me the book I was looking for was in.	The only book I have on 
>order is the FT-FB, so I'm presuming it got to his store Monday--E&E 
is >closed today, so I'll find out tomorrow.  However, the Game Parlor 
did >not yet have the Fleet Book in as yesterday.

Oh, in light of stuff KR has sent:  Doug (owner of E&E) makes a habit 
of harassing distributors until they ship him stuff to get him to stop 
making phone calls.  I dunno 'bout the guy who owns Game Parlor.  Tell 
your shop owners to fax and call their distributors!


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