Re: Communication and Travel
From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 13:56:40 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: Communication and Travel
You wrote:
>Hmm, hitting a ship from several thousand miles away is pretty
>pinpoint, and they are dodging. Planetary surfaces are fairly
>predictable in their movement.
Yeah. However you can use weapons with blast radii, SLMs (really, when
d6-1 of each salvo go off into the wild black yonder, how precise can
they be). You don't have to worry about the airbase's kindergarten
three blocks down.
>> Yup. I'd like to see more rules for Planetary Defenses, though.
>So would I. Want to throw some ideas out here?
I'll throw something together to start discussion. . .
>I don't insist on using minis. However, there are some WWII
>rulesets that allow divisional/corps engagements with minis. (Each
>1:300 tank represents 5 or so) That was why I wanted to get actions
>down to the size that could be portrayed with similar rulesets. If we
Actually, at the platoon level, you're better off playing
regimental-size battles, a la Command Decision (15mm, one stand is
platoon) which gets real crowded if you take it above the
regiment/brigade level. Patton's dictum that you should issue orders
one level down and know where your troops are two levels down comes
into play. Anything more begins to present real commanders with
information overload.