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Re: Looking for US Army minis

From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 22:58:29 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: Looking for US Army minis

You wrote: 

>Anybody know where (in the world, I'm not picky) I can get 25mm modern 
(body >armor & all) US Army/USMC minis?  Suitable for use with the SG2 

I know I've seen 'em, I'll look through the catalogues at the shop 

>     Y'know, now that I think about it, with the USA having the Fritz 
helmet, >and the older M60, which looks a LOT like the MG42, I can see 

Well it's not our fault the Germans had better helmets and machine guns 
than we did!  It's only logical to copy the best--although we didn't 
quite get the '60 right.  That German reliability somehow evades. . . 


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