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Re: combat spoilers for "Movements of Fire and Shadow" (was: EFSB: newinfo from recent eps)

From: "Oerjan Ohlson" <oerjan.ohlson@n...>
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 20:29:52 +0200
Subject: Re: combat spoilers for "Movements of Fire and Shadow" (was: EFSB: newinfo from recent eps)

He whose name goes ever on and on (ie, Mk.) wrote:

> first, some spoiler space in case you really don't want to know about
> of the combat scenes ahead of time:
>		  GGG	   OOO	    OOO    DDDDD
>		 G   G	  O   O    O   O   D	D
>		G     G  O     O  O	O  D	 D
>		G	 O     O  O	O  D	 D
>		G  GGGG  O     O  O	O  D	 D
>		 G   G	  O   O    O   O   D	D
>		  GGG	   OOO	    OOO    DDDDD
>   M	    M	 OOO	RRRR	 N     N  IIIIII  N	N    GGG    !! 
>   MM	   MM	O   O	R   R	 NN    N    II	  NN	N   G	G   !! 
>   M M   M M  O     O	R   R	 N N   N    II	  N N	N  G	 G  !! 
>   M  M M  M  O     O	RRRR	 N  N  N    II	  N  N	N  G	    !! 
>   M	M   M  O     O	R   R	 N   N N    II	  N   N N  G  GGGG  !! 
>   M	    M	O   O	R    R	 N    NN    II	  N    NN   G	G
>   M	    M	 OOO	R    R	 N     N  IIIIII  N	N    GGG    ** 
> And if you kept reading but are tired, THAT ought to have woken you

> Well, here's my take on it. For starters I've always thought the
> cruiser as being seriously undergunned in the game. At least I would
> to boost it's main battery to be a Class-3 batt.

Uh... What? I thought the Vorchan was the Centauri battlecruiser, which
is armed with Class 4 and Class 3 batteries in the EFSB... but even the
light cruiser has Class 3 batteries. One in each fire arc.

Or are you talking B5Wars?

> The missiles used by both the Centauri and Drazi in the opening scenes
> I interpret to be variants on the same theme: salvo-missiles! The
> appear to fire these guys from their wings, so I would be inclined to
> them external racked SMs. The Centauri, on the other hand, fire 'em
> inside their ship, and these appear to be almost omni-directional
> I *hate* that! ;) and I would classify them as being Salvo Missiles,
> just a different breed (and multiple arcs of fire). With some small
> of on-board guidance, perhaps?? They seemed to possess some limited
> by the way they tracked in on the Drazi ships (I don't think more than
> two Centauri SMs hit any given Drazi cruiser).

That sounds more like the MT missiles to me...

> As for the final scenes, well, the Narns havent' changed: they still
have their
> HBWs mounted on their massive cruisers (which look like they way
out-mass the
> Drazi ships! call 'em dreadnoughts? superdreads?). 

Huge, yes. When the Army of Light struck its first real blow against the
Shadows (Shadow Dancing? Don't have the tapes here :-( ), the Narn war
cruiser was the biggest ship they had after the Minbari gigants. The
Sunhawks were bunched together with Vree saucers etc as "light units"
were, IIRC, ordered to concentrate on the Shadow fighters and scouts.
I've gotten an impression of Sunhawks being smaller than White Stars,
I'm not sure about it.


Oerjan Ohlson

"Life is like a sewer.
  What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."
- Hen3ry

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