Re: Troop Capacity
From: Thomas Barclay <Thomas.Barclay@s...>
Date: Mon, 15 Jun 1998 14:27:17 -0500
Subject: Re: Troop Capacity
John spake thusly upon matters weighty:
> If they're so bright, why did they end up dead? History is filled
> courageous people who's sanity I question. But better them than me.
> like my nice safe job playing with land mines. At least I can
> John M. Atkinson
> [1]For the terminally clueless: Yes, this is at least half-joking, as
> was previous comment. I'll say the same sort of thing about most of
> the combat elements of various services--except mine. It takes all
> kinds, but that doesn't mean I have to view others in the most
> lights. 12-Boom-booms, Dumb grunts, Snake-eaters, Tread-heads, REMFs,
> Zoomies, and Squids, we're all on the same side, but having fun at
> other's expense is an ancient tradition, not likely to change in the
> next 200 years (there--I made it topical!)
Side note: Wasn't it you that told me in a breaching attempt, 70%
casualties is considered acceptable? I got news for ya, if anyone in
my unit planned an assault with 70% casualties, he'd be broken out of
the infantry.... (maybe he'd make a good engineer?). I think that you
can't say they were insane for doing what they did in the Battle of
Britain... just that they put a higher value on defending their
fellow man and their way of life than they did on the chance of
dying. They were kind of desperate, but it got the job done.
Thomas Barclay
Software Specialist
Police Communications Systems
Software Kinetics Ltd.
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