Re: Communication and Travel
From: Sean Bayan Schoonmaker <schoon@a...>
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 15:22:33 -0700
Subject: Re: Communication and Travel (John Atkinson) wrote:
>Minor peeve--note that it's only possible to actually conquer a small,
>small colony from space. Once you get a couple million colonists with
>a homegrown industry, it becomes impossible to physically land enough
>troops to do more than raid. Example: Israel, with 6 million
>inhabitants, can field 13 armored divisions, and one parachute division
>(or is it 12 and 1? I don't recall). Taking down a force that big
>would require either massive and indiscriminate use of orbital support
>(trashing what you're supposed to be trying to conquer!) or one even
>larger--which would be prohibitive to transport.
I disagree. Israel is a technologically advanced state supported by an
extra-structure of advanced states in close proximity. A FT colony,
is most liklely at least a week's transit from any support, would be
reliant on lower technology, and wouldn't have nearly the work-force
surplus available for a standing military.
Likewise, depending on who founded the colony, their loyalty to the
"motherland" may not be too solidly ingrained.
Looking at it in these terms, you'd need a much smaller landing force,
may only have to achieve space-superiority to convince them that siding
with you may be in their best interests.