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RE: SG actions rule clarification

From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 15:22:05 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: RE: SG actions rule clarification

You wrote: 

>No. If a Power Armour trooper (or any other trooper) could fire weapon 
A in one  >action then weapon B in another action then what is to stop 
them firing weapon >A in both activations? It's surely easier for the 
trooper to fire the same weapon >twice than to aim and fire two 
different weapons.  And as firing the same  >weapon twice is banned by 
the rules than I guess firing two different ones is as	>well.

Hrm. . . then to make sense to issue both a MLP and a APW, you've gotta 
give the MLPs limited ammo.  Which sorta makes sense.  The other way is 
to read the paragraphs on P. 30 to imply that both can be fired at the 
same target at the same time--possible with computor-control, but not 
likely.  On the other hand, if you can incorporate underbarrel GLs into 
a 'fire small arms' action, why not triggering a pack of rockets?

>> How about one with APW and SLAM/1?
>There's no such thing as a SLAM/1. SLAMs come in sizes 3 to 5 only.

What is that on top of those NSL PA troops?  I'm not talking the little 
bitty dual rocket packs, I'm talking the BIG ones.


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