Re: Communication and Travel
From: <NVDoyle@a...>
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 01:19:26 EDT
Subject: Re: Communication and Travel
These areas (commo & travel) are intimately linked, and define the
universe. Most of the decisions are made about this to acheive a
flavor of a game world. I think that we should be very careful how we
here. Personally, I would be happy with this: Full Thrust is set in a
universe that requires ships of all sizes and duties; where both
fighters and
SuperDreadnoughts can be effective; where commercial space travel is
commonplace and relatively cheap; a large interstellar economy exists;
insystem is fast (lightspeed), but between systems is slower (either
fast ship
or FTL 'radio'); surprise is possible, either through sensor evasion or
FTL plotting; travel between stars takes some time, either in FTL
transit, or
STL transit insystem.
Any more detailed that that, and we get into pretty arbitrary decisions.
However, if we are talking about just the 'official' background, well,
debate that sucker and let Jon decide what's what on the end!
Noah V. Doyle