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RE: Fighter Mounts

From: "BEST, David" <dbest@s...>
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 1998 15:54:15 -0400
Subject: RE: Fighter Mounts

I am not fussy on this type of rule as it slows things down, complicates
things,requires more paperwork and (in my opinion)is not
necessary/realistic.  Fighter crews  would be trained and trained in
"surprise" launches and their take off time would be pretty consistent
(especially within the time involved in a turn).  Even fairly green
crews would still make it out of the ship in roughly the same time as
experienced crews - the difference in training would be reflected in
what they do once space-borne.	I think the only way dice rolling should
be used is if the fighter launching system (whatever it is) has taken
damage. I have the same problem  with rolling a die every turn to
determine if a weapon has recharged enough to fire although I guess the
point could be argued by saying other systems are competing for energy
in the middle of a battle.  To me a weapon would recharge at a fixed
rate according to the physics involved especially if it's not undergoing
unusual activities.

David Best
>Jared spake thusly upon matters weighty: 
>> 3) Ships which know they are heading into combat may launch all their
>> externally mounted fighters at once (this is the major advantage of
>> racks.) If a ship is 'surprised' (scenario dependant I suppose)  Then
>> have a race-to-scramble situation. I propose no launches on the first
>> of surprise (fall out of 'jump' in the middle of a fight?). At the
end of
>> each turn, including the first, roll one die for each individual
>> and keep a running total per squadron. When the total equals 6 or
more the
>> squadron may launch on the following turn.  

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