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Re: Carrier status, was Re: More Fleet Book questions

From: jfoster@k... (Jim 'Jiji' Foster)
Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 23:44:26 -0500
Subject: Re: Carrier status, was Re: More Fleet Book questions

>2) FlightCon - Any ship with fighters (or landing craft) may launch
>    OR recover 1 group per turn (and I would have restrictions on
>    the carrier's allowed actions that turn - only half-thrust or
>    something like that). With FlightCon you have no carrier move
>    restrictions and 2 simultaneous activities. Each additional
>    FlightCon provides 2 more simultaneous activities (maybe only 1)
>    So really big carriers can do a lot at once (by sacrificing
>    mass for FlightCon)

I like this idea (although I haven't seen the FB yet; still, the
sounds good.) My vote would be that each FlightCon allows 2
actions. Enhances the reasons for making a dedicated fighter-carrying

>3) FleetCon (or Flag) - Here we start into fleet coordination.  I

Hmm... interesting. More than's probably needed in pickup games, but for
big scenario or campaign game, this would be choice. Gets us back into
'Are morale rules necessary?' again, but I tend to think it would add a
worthwhile dimension.

(OK, I admit it, I finally picked up an Honor Harrington book... first
thing I thought was, this is like Full Thrust with morale and

>So, what do you think? (puts on flame-retardant clothing)

No need to be defensive! This is just the sort of thing this list was
designed for, ne? Good post!

Jim 'Jiji' Foster / / Jiji @ AnimeMUCK / TIP #28 /
PPIG #42

"That's the way we all begin," said Tom Platt. "The boys they make
all the time till they've cheated 'emselves into bein' men, an' so till
they die--pretendin' and pretendin'."
    Rudyard Kipling, _Captains Courageous_

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