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Re: GZG NEWS - DSII Infantry Walkers (was: Re: Bugs...)

From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 21:58:17 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: GZG NEWS - DSII Infantry Walkers (was: Re: Bugs...)

You wrote: 

>	Please don't tell me your kidding.....	Last night I got caught 
up in >one of my many Sci-Fi brainstorming sessions (it was a slow 
night at the >video store).  I was thinking about the feasabilty of the 
infantry >combat walkers and concluded that theoretically they wouldn't 
be around >for maybe the next 25-50 years. Have we really come THAT far 
THAT fast?

Don't get too excited.	The US Army has a _lot_ of projects going, for 
Force XXI (the Army of 2000-2020 time period), Army After Next 
(Mid-21st century) and IIRC, some theoretical work on the next major 
revision.  Without knowing more about the above proposal, who knows 
when, or if, it will be fielded.  The Force XXI infantry projects are 
much less ambitious--some body armor, computors, a neato helmet with 
built-in sights and most of that stuff still doesn't work yet.

John M. Atkinson

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