Re: Bugs - URL probs
From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 23:04:58 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: Bugs - URL probs
You wrote:
>> Of course, when dealing with non-humans scale becomes a little
>> flexible. They might be just a naturally short species. :)
>Or tall, being as how I am planning on using them with 6 mm stuff ;-)
That doesn't sound like too much fun for your poor infantry--regardless
of my earlier comments on how most close quarter combat is SMG and
grenade work (at least in this century), I don't relish trying it with
someone 10 feet tall. Of course, that size may also make them more
vulnerable. I played a game of Dirtside recently against a guy who was
using Epic figures, and had a slightly modified construction rules for
his Terminators--treating them as size 1 vehicles. Hello, GMS/Hs!