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Re: Are the FSE and NSL natural enemies?

From: NVDoyle <NVDoyle@a...>
Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 21:11:35 EDT
Subject: Re: Are the FSE and NSL natural enemies?

In a message dated 98-05-21 20:39:46 EDT, Beth writes:

<< [Mind you this suits me down to the ground as my husband has been NSL
 the beginning and as an FT introductory gesture got me an FSE fleet for
 Mothers' Day.	>>

RE the previous posts about the size of the FSE SDN(?), and presumably
rest of the FSE fleet designs; and all of the times I have been
privileged to
play FT against (or with) women:

Nic, you gave her the biggest ships?  Oh, we are _toast_.  Like they
need more
advantages.  Game over, man.

Seriously, due to the extension forward of the historical-political
relationships in FT, the NSL & FSE usually come down on opposite sides
of the
political coin.  Traditionally, 2 world wars notwithstanding, England
Germany have had a good relationship.  There is a far longer tradition
animosity between France and England & France and Germany.  Note that
most of
this also precedes a unified German state.  And taking the 31 Years War
(as a
prof so eloquently put it) into account, the German/French relationship
improved much.	Anyway, the traditional rivalry is fun to play (both
lend themselves to cariacture well), and allows NSL players to paste the
French AGAIN, and allows FSE players to show the uppity Boche a thing or

Noah V. Doyle

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