RE: Low Tech Scenarios
From: Mikko Kurki-Suonio <maxxon@s...>
Date: Wed, 20 May 1998 08:48:42 +0300 (EET DST)
Subject: RE: Low Tech Scenarios
On Tue, 19 May 1998, John Atkinson wrote:
> A .22 can be a mankiller. A friend of mine who's a cop claims the
> single most common weapon used in homicides is a .22 pistol. Sure,
> it's not militarily useful, but most murders are comitted within 5-10
> feet of the victim. I havn't checked his numbers, but I'll take his
> word for it.
While true, that is mostly because it's the single most common civilian
handgun, period.
>From the ballistics point of view, it's deadly enough. Some figures say
it's deadlier than more powerful rounds, partly due to surprisingly good
penetration (compared to pistol rounds like .38 special), partly due
complications arising from the lead bullets.
What it lacks is stopping power. It's not much of a consolation to know
your opponent will die of blood poisoning a day after he finishes
disecting you.
I guess you don't count Mossad assassins as militarily useful, then?
-- (Mikko Kurki-Suonio) | A pig who doesn't
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