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Re: Low Tech Scenarios

From: NVDoyle <NVDoyle@a...>
Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 21:45:02 EDT
Subject: Re: Low Tech Scenarios

In a message dated 98-05-18 10:00:08 EDT, you write:

<< >Coming soon:  More Nukes for DS2, and Dog Teams for SG2!!!<
 Don't like nukes too much, but Dog Teams sound interesting.

The nukes are just a slight expansion (different sizes, some new rules)
battlefield use (arty/air deployed).  I guess it's a holdover from the
Bad Old
Days, but I was always fascinated by the ramifications of battlefield
use of
small nuclear munitions; ie, the Davy Crockett 0.1kt round for the 80mm
recoilless rifle, the 155-203mm atomic cannon rounds, etc.  And I've
played too much Ogre/GEV to worry about collateral damage anymore...

The Dog Teams (SG2) were something that came to mind while reading a
book about the use of dogs in wartime.	They would seem to be an amazing
for recon units.  Ral Partha makes a blister of dog minis under thier
line that are really good - 2 each Shepherd and Pit Bull types.  They
easily mount on an SG2 standard 1" diameter base with a SG2 fig.  Some
of my
PAUs seem quite appropriate for the job.  One of their weaknesses is
that the
team is fragile - the dog (unless armored - probably not) can go down
and that pretty much puts the handler out of action - if they didn't
about the dog, they wouldn't be doing the job.	A medic might be able to
them back (sedatives, the right kind words, etc).  If the handler goes,
dog is totally useless.  It might even attack the medic attempting to
him.  This apparently happened occasionally.  Seeing as how I am moving
a a
week, don't expect either of these for about 2 weeks.  but they'll be
better for the wait.

Off-topic grumble - The US is the only First World country without an
monument to the canine war dead.  This may seem silly, but it's
C'mon, the Sovs/Russkies have monuments to their mine dogs (I will NOT
those rules)!

Noah V. Doyle

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