Re: Mobile mines
From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 14:54:35 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: Mobile mines
You wrote:
>In a message dated 98-05-18 07:55:10 EDT, Chris Ruhl writes:
><< Jon modeled his
> minefields off the WAM program, so yes they definitely are Dirtside.
>I stand (pleasantly) corrected. Wow. These things are scarier than I
>thought. So a DS2 minefield would reresent not only traditional
buried mines, >but things like this as well.
My house rules are set up for buried/surface laid mines. But if you
want to include something like a WAM. . . Treat it like you do in DSII
rules--all within 2" of marker are attacked. This represents not a
couple hundred buried mines, but a couple dozen WAMs arranged in a
rough circular patter. Attack procedure is to roll as normal
attack--WAM is always assumed to be at close range, may be basic,
enhanced, or superior. WAM gets +2 bonus to represent surprise value.
3 chits, validities as per MAK. Damaged result is damaged, not M-kill,
and it attacks top armor. May be laid as per DSII normal rules, but
dispenser only takes up 4 capacity points and a reload takes up 2.
Even this is probably being hard on them--but to make a size class 1
vehicle able to lug around four complete minefields makes things a
little unbalanced. May be laid by VTOLs or DFO pods from aircraft.
John M. Atkinson