Re: Low Tech Scenarios
From: Los <los@c...>
Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 10:23:56 -0700
Subject: Re: Low Tech Scenarios
John Atkinson wrote:
> and a _LOT_ of other cases where insurgents got their ears pinned back
> regardless of technology. A sucessful insurgency requires massive
> external support, internal political troubles among the regular
> government, and a willingness to take horiffic casualties. Even when
> a
> guerilla war is sucessful, the nation is so often wrecked so badly
> that
> it's essentially meaningless.
Not always true. One has only to look at the Eritrea to see that you can
fight a sustained guerrilla war with virtually no external support and
come out on top. Ethiopia had every advantage, include massive Soviet
aid and they were defeated badly. They gained their independence in 1994
and will probably become one of the premier countries in Africa, mostly
due to the quality of their people and culture.