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Re: Random ramblings.

From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 22:01:13 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: Random ramblings.

You wrote: 

>Having run things like this before, the best solution that I've found 
is to >take 2 sides, divide up whatever forces you have as evenly as 

So each newbie has a company or so out of a larger force, rather than a 
multi-sided free-for-all?

>composition, and have a meeting engagement with a lot of varied 

I just bought some hills.  Will hit up a craft store for green felt, 
and buy a dozen little trees to indicate density (many=thick woods, one 
or two=light woods).  Am considering black felt for blacktop and blue 
for rivers.

>edge), maybe set a few objectives, but _make_ them engage - that's 
what the >newbies want to do.  If somebody wins just by better 

Bought and have begun painting a GZG 'Tramp' class Lt. Space Freighter. 
 I figured a decent scenario would that this is a supply shipment 
slipped through the Imperial blockade--given identical designs and 
paint schemes, it's gotta be a civil war--and both sides are trying to 
take it intact.

>Another, very useful, sneaky trick - use some Epic minis if you're 
going to be >competing directly with the GW monster.  This will spark 

Might buy some.  I already use normal Space Marines as PA infantry, and 
their missle teams as GMS teams.  Have been considering one of their 
Imperial Guard superheavy tanks as Bolo.

John M. Atkinson

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