RE: Mines 6
From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 21:56:22 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: RE: Mines 6
You wrote:
>What are you talking about? Not affecting the game much, think about
>being able to shift or move a mine field :-). I would treat them
almost >like units. Jon, I'm thinking you just want to keep things
modern and >conventional ;-).
You want to make your mines wander around, then by all means give them
a 1 or 2 inch move rate.
>The one thing I like is an IFF system for mines. I've seen talk of
>placing IFF units on individual soldiers. In effect it would make a
>minefield only a threat to your enemy (god forbid if your IFF failed).
Same objection as above. You wanna do that, do that. But I won't, as
my concept of mines is cheap and cheerful. Minimum of fancy
electronics to go wrong.
John M. Atkinson