Mines, Part 1
From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 23:21:56 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Mines, Part 1
OK, I had finished my mine rules (not the counter mine rules yet) and
tried to send them twice. But the *#@(@$&@)#$*@)!_@$(_!@#(^$^&@(#&$
thing crashed both times. So I'm breaking it up about a paragraph at a
time. This is intro.
These are my opinion, publicly expressed. These are based really
loosly on modern US practice, with my spin on future developments and a
lot of simplification for playability. For determining whether or not
a unit is in a minefield, use the center of mass of the vehicle. If
there are disputes on this, then don't use these rules. The number
1500m comes up a lot. Why? Because it's based on US doctrine, which
centers around kicking Ruskie butt. And a Ruskie batallion normally
attacks on a frontage of 1500m. You don't like it, rewrite your own
rules. Comments are welcomed and encouraged. Remember, to convert
meters into Dirtside scale, divide by 100 and slap a " on it. []s
indicate explanations or commentary. And I'm trying to keep it simple
and avoid jargon that I don't explain, but I may slip. Holler--I'll
John M. Atkinson