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Re: Fleet Book beam weapon questions

From: NVDoyle <NVDoyle@a...>
Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 21:35:28 EDT
Subject: Re: Fleet Book beam weapon questions

In a message dated 98-05-14 17:44:38 EDT, Jeff writes:

 If so, would larger beam weapons follow the same progression?	(double
 mass, add a range band, increase dice by one per band - assuming thats
 still the same)

Well, that's the way we always played it in our group.	We reversed the
original letter progression (A was large, now A is smallest), and
scrapped the
AA for the D-class beam battery (4d, 48" range).  Not having the Fleet
yet, this seems to be correct.	I like it, personally.	It allowed us to
really out-there things, like F-class beams & higher (big spinal

A question to those who have both the Fleet Book & the EFSB - Is it
getting both?  Are they mostly dupes, or different?

Noah V. Doyle

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