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Re: Radiation Effects (was Re: Full Thrust discussion, anyone?)

From: Sean Bayan Schoonmaker <schoon@a...>
Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 18:09:06 -0700
Subject: Re: Radiation Effects (was Re: Full Thrust discussion, anyone?)

Brad Holden <> wrote:


>My thinking is that you could, for an extra point cost say, purchased
>enhanced weapons.  To simply simulate the effect of radiation, I was
>thinking you could treat the weapon as normal but if a successful hit
>is made you also get a free needle beam attack.  For beam weapons, I
>would suggest only doing this at shortest range band.	The cost of
>these weapons should be the cost of a needle beam and a A battery
>combined somehow.  Also, only A batteries should be allowed to have
>this enhanced ability (thus preventing someone buying 20 enhanced C
>batteries for the free needle attack).

I'd think that in order to balance out this effect, the cost would have
be far more than a point.

Also, who gets to pick the target of the needle attack ? When is it
- before or after the weapon hits ? This raises the ugly question of
happens if the beam damage causes a treshold roll and systems are
out before the needle attack ?"


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