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RE: Dirtside campaign / FT Traveller

From: Michael Brown <mkkabrow@w...>
Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 11:41:26 -0700
Subject: RE: Dirtside campaign / FT Traveller

Just a book.  The book is broken into sections, Trillion Credit Squadron
campaigns, Pocket Empire campaigns, and Role Playing in the Navy
campaigns.  The pocket empire stuff is almost straight Fifth Frontier
War, with the mechanics of building you own units ( I guess you could
make your own board game using this section).

Michael Brown

From:	Thomas Barclay
Sent:	Monday, May 11, 1998 9:28 AM
To:	Michael Brown
Subject:	RE: Dirtside campaign / FT Traveller

Michael spake thusly upon matters weighty: 

Is this a new T4 boxed set? Or just a book? Is it more RPG or more 
boardgame-ish? I just ask because of vast curiosity..... I always 
like High Gaurd, Snapshot, AHL, Striker and Brilliant Lances. 
Although the amount of errata any given GDW product for Traveller had 
in it (especially MT....) was ridiculous. 

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