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Re: Scale? That belongs on fish

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 11:16:59 +0000
Subject: Re: Scale? That belongs on fish

>Which scale do you want?
>Time scale (about 1 turn to 20 minutes)
>Model scale (about 1/2000)
>Ground (or should that be space?) scale (IIRC, 1in to 1000km)

As an addendum to this, please note these scales are not "official" -
were a rough idea worked out by someone on the list a while back (sorry,
not sure who), based on the planet/orbit rules in MT, which were in
themselves quite arbitrary and not based on any sort of calculations...

However, for a generic background they are as good a yardstick as any

Jon (GZG)
>"Scott B. Jaqua" <>
>08/05/98 17:08
>Please respond to
>To:   "Full Thrust Mail List" <>
>cc:	(bcc: Mike Elliott/UK/BULL)
>Subject:  Scale? That belongs on fish
>I am in the process of filling out my paper work to run miniature games
>Gateway gaming convention in LA over the labor weekend. Does any one
>if there is an official scale for Full Thrust and the EFSB rules. Once
>fill in those blanks, I can send my paper work off.
>Scott B. Jaqua
>Systems Manager
>Center Line Wheels, Inc.
>Wheel application information provided by the sales department. If you
>additional questions please call the sales department at (562)
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