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Monomolecular wire, not monofilament!

From: Samuel Reynolds <reynol@p...>
Date: Sun, 10 May 1998 11:11:42 -0700
Subject: Monomolecular wire, not monofilament!

>Now we just need some rules for how MF would work.  There are a lot of
>sites that talk about MF but they discuss it in terms of textiles and
>fishing rods. The two types I've seen are Nylon and Glass. I had always
>assumed metal, but I guess it need not be.  If these are true
>filiaments, how is it that they are not terribly dangerous?
Can we say "monowire", as used in some gaming systems (e.g., GURPS)
for monomolecular wire, instead of monofilament, as used in nylon
fishing line? The term "monofilament," as commonly used, describes
a line or cord that is a single, non-crystaline, non-woven strand,
as in the monofilament nylon line commonly used with a rod and reel
for catching fish.
- Sam

Samuel Reynolds

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