Re: Lunar combat (was: Re: [OT] Moon Dragon Review?)
From: Jerry Han <jhan@i...>
Date: Tue, 5 May 1998 16:02:16 -0400
Subject: Re: Lunar combat (was: Re: [OT] Moon Dragon Review?)
Ground Zero Games wrote:
> at least some of their thrust downward to counteract the gravity pull
- if
> they lose their drives, then they will accelerate downward and crash
> like an aerospace craft in atmosphere. Though I've forgotten an awful
> of physics in the last 20 years, am I right in thinking that on an
> world the higher you fall from the faster/harder you will impact,
> that there is a constant acceleration imparted by gravity and there is
> air drag to produce a terminal velocity effect?
Correct. However, your acceleration will be lower vis a vis the Earth,
since the Moon has less Mass (and therefore generates a 'shallower'
well) then
the Earth. On the flip side, given the hostile environment awaiting
you, any
sort of crash could prove fatal. (Remember, your space suit was made by
lowest bidder... (8-) )
Anybody want to actually do the calculations of the energy transfered to
airframe at impact on the moon versus that on the Earth? I don't have
of my physics textbooks here at work. (Oerjan? (8-) )
Jerry Han - - - TBFTGOGGI
* "They say this Highway is goin' my way, | Billy Joel - *
* but I don't know where it's takin' me" | "Running On Ice" *