RE: Byzantines in space..was Re: X to GZG conversions...
From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 11:33:19 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: RE: Byzantines in space..was Re: X to GZG conversions...
You wrote:
>used for skirmishers and not line infantry. Akritai were the thematic
>troops,Akritai meant only that they were the border thematics and not
Akritai is going to be the name for full-time troops assigned to
newly-settled planets in order to provide defense until the planet's
thematic troops get on-line. Remember, I'm translating FT/DS
background into Roman terms, not the other way around.
>As for the Holy Roman Empire there is a famous saying (can't remember
>who said it) "The Holy Roman Empire was neither holy nor Roman."
Nor much of an Empire, later on. Seriously, since Donation was a
fraud, Pope doesn't have _any_legal_secular_authority_, and can't piss
in a pot without asking the Emperor's permission. Of course, since the
office of Emperor lapsed in 1453, that's no longer relevant. Further
conflict on this issue should be taken to e-mail before we start crying
anathema on each other.
John M. Atkinson